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What Types of Portals Can be Delivered on Salesforce Experience Cloud?
How can colleges and universities use their CRM for higher education to power external-facing, authenticated portals? At Enrollment Rx, the majority of our clients adopt Salesforce’s Experience Cloud in order to power portal experiences for [...]
Recruit Existing Students For Specialized Programs
A common scenario in higher education is that colleges and universities would like to recruit existing students to apply to certain specialized programs for which they may have pre-qualified, or otherwise demonstrated a propensity for [...]
Can Your Higher Education Admissions Software Strategy Survive the “Great Resignation”?
Like many industries, higher education is undergoing a massive personnel transformation as employees choose to leave their current institutions for other positions. As these employees leave, they take significant institutional knowledge about operational processes and [...]
Architecture vs. Automation – Which Matters More?
When working with Salesforce as your higher education enrollment software for Recruitment, Admissions, and Decisions (R.A.D.), the architecture of your object and data model is very important. After all, Salesforce is an object-oriented database system [...]
Tit for Tat on the RFP
Enrollment Rx responds to many Requests for Proposal (RFP) documents every year. These are typically intended and designed to detail the comprehensive higher education admissions software requirements at the issuing institution. The ultimate purpose is [...]
Paperless Admissions in Higher Education
One of the marketing phrases that Enrollment Rx has employed over the years is “stop using spreadsheets, outdated databases, and paper records to manage admissions.” We think it is a cheeky phrase that resonates well [...]
How to Delight an Introvert, and We are All Introverts?
I am an introvert. Apparently that means that I recharge by being alone, and I would prefer to not have to interact with people when engaging in commercial, administrative, and secretarial work. Rather, I would [...]
The need for CXM in CRM
In their article “CRM Strategy and Customer Experience Primer for 2022”, Michael Chiu, Don Scheibenreif, et. al. write about the need for a strong customer experience when deploying constituent relationship management (CRM) software. They write, [...]