In their Gartner article published on December 7, 2021 entitled “Quick Answer: How Do I Prioritize Customer Experience Projects?” Michael Chiu and Ed Thompson state, “The most valuable CX initiatives can be exceedingly difficult to achieve, or take an inordinate amount of time to do so. The challenge in completing these projects needs to be factored into prioritization rankings through the ease of implementation criterion.”
At Enrollment Rx, we couldn’t agree more. We regularly speak with colleges and universities who are struggling with their Higher Education admissions software. Often, the institutions feel hampered by limited resources and complex CX requirements that are difficult to solve for non-IT personnel.
Chiu and Thompson talk about the necessity to emphasize “Ease of Implementation”. They say projects that can be easily completed deserve higher point values. This criterion could reflect factors such as:
The project’s simplicity
The project’s required level of effort
The project’s time to deploy
The strain it will put on your organization’s technology, operations and skill set
Your organization’s resistance to change
Is your Higher Education admissions software simple enough to deploy and maintain, or does it require an advanced IT skill set for even the small modifications? Enrollment Rx knows how to transform Salesforce into a system for recruitment, admissions, and decisions while empowering your operational administrators to take total control of the Higher Education admissions software and platform. Our FormBuilder Rx product empowers you to create Experience Cloud environments on Salesforce to power constituent portals and forms.
Contact us to schedule a demo of our Higher Education admissions software solution.