Preparing for a new academic year is no small feat. For many higher education administrators, the groundwork begins long before the summer break. This preparation might involve updating your applications (both online and paper), tweaking programs and terms, changing admission document requirements, refreshing RFI/lead forms, modifying lead/application assignment rules, scheduling new student orientations and campus visits, and updating the university admissions CRM to support all these changes.

While you can tackle some of these tasks independently, others require collaboration with various departments and resources beyond your control. Everything must align perfectly to ensure that all systems and processes are ready for the new school year. And then, you cross your fingers that nothing goes awry.

If Murphy’s Law is anything to go by, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Even the best-laid plans encounter obstacles. The approval for the new business program is delayed, the crucial document for the nursing program is missing, a new regulation requires changes to your application questions, or a course/program needs to be taken down due to low enrollment or faculty changes. You can’t control if or when something goes wrong, but you can control how you react and manage it—especially when you have the tools to handle the situation yourself.

Enrollment Rx offers a university admissions CRM solution with a range of products designed specifically to tackle the challenges colleges and universities face when preparing for the next academic cycle. Its user-friendly interface and robust features can streamline updates and changes, saving time and resources, and enabling staff to have a more relaxed summer. Here are a few examples demonstrating how Enrollment Rx’s CRM solution for university admissions can help you with your preparation.

Enrollment Rx (ERX) Core

Enrollment Rx’s Core product enables administrators to use the Admin Panel to update assignment rules, control triggers and automation, administer/update dynamic admissions document checklist items, create touch points (track multiple inquiries for the same contact), manage education history requirements, test scores, recommendations, and other supplemental material. ERX Core empowers your administrators, enabling them to make real-time updates and changes without requiring IT assistance.

FormBuilder Rx

FormBuilder Rx by Enrollment Rx allows you to easily create and update forms for sites and communities using a drag-and-drop interface. It offers dynamic rendering of fields, sections, pages, and templates, as well as personalized and dynamic portal homepages. This product is lightning-ready and mobile-friendly, and enables administrators to create branded and personalized experiences for prospective students quickly and easily.

Reader Rx

Reader Rx by Enrollment Rx allows you to create and manage the routing of applications to a single user, queue, or group. With this product, you can enjoy a paperless review process, update and create a single screen to review all application materials, securely comment and score applications, and access digital fields. Additionally, Reader Rx is lightning-ready and mobile-friendly, making the review and decision process easy to manage.

Events Rx

Events Rx by Enrollment Rx allows you to create and manage various events. Using the native campaign object, you can create a standalone orientation event, either online or on campus. Additionally, you can set up visits that allow attendees to choose from various activities during their visit. This feature also generates a personalized itinerary for attendees, listing all the activities they have selected for their visit. In both cases, you can accommodate guests, send confirmation and reminder emails, as well as keep track of attendance.

Enrollment Rx’s CRM product suite for university admissions simplifies updates and changes, saves time and resources, and provides stress-free benefits, enhancing overall efficiency during the summer preparation period. We encourage all universities and colleges to consider Enrollment Rx’s solution to ensure smoother and more efficient summer preparations. A 30-minute call could save you hundreds of hours in the long run.

So, go ahead—enjoy your summer. Let Enrollment Rx take care of the fall. Contact us today  to learn more about how Enrollment Rx’s CRM for university admissions can help your institution successfully manage your future student enrollments.